Meeting the Staff
so we aren't exactly a bustling news room full of people running
everywhere and the only devil here that wears Prada is well Me.
no really .
my name is Brooke. And I'm just one half of this blog team. I've
been playing Second Life for 6 years and I have come a long way and
seen a lot come and go throughout SL. Those of you who have been
around as long as me or even those of you who have been around even
longer then me know and will vouch and back me up when I say Fashion
is a life style in this SL world and it has been one ever changing
life over the years. (maybe one day we'll share some of the looks of
the past in an upcoming feature).
let me tell ya just a little about me and if ya want to know more
about me or my fashion feel free to find me in world and maybe we'll
have a chat.
please don't think that's an open invite for a date my sweeties;
because this girl doesn't SL date. Thank you, but I digress.
Date : 07/14/2010
years 2 months; 2269 days)
am a full mesh avatar. Catwa head Maitreya body. Skin by :
really don't do bargains or dollarbies or freebies as such.
get me wrong call it what you will but I have been around and have
seen the fashions and know what and who is good and if you want to
hate for that then go on haters and hate. But ya know my hair is
luxurious bitch; anyway. 'quote KW.'
point is when you read my features you won't find them to be on the
cheap side I might have won it off a lucky board or be a group member
somewhere but know I do try to feature the best in SL.
I have to many to count over 200 at least.. so just ask if you want
to know who did my hair today :)
find me at AEG ~ REZ or Ambrosia during the day and at
night and I tend to hang at
Anaconda .
are my current go to spots.
What's yours where do you find the best
steals deals shopping and grooves and tunes? Leave me a comment I'd
love to check out your style favs too.
I'm always around but I am always busy so know that I'm not a bitch
and i'm not being rude but I'm writing a blog, taking care of a
family, and I love my dogs to death so all of that comes before
anything else in the world that is our Second Life.
for dropping by until next time.
ya in world and remember keep coming back for more.
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No really Sup sup, Ello, ello, ello Peoples, allow me to introduce myself. I'm LaaTricia
or LaaLaa if you will
and I'm the 2nd
half of this sister team.
don't really do fashion, however I can type, I can talk, and I can
shop, so here I am along with my sister Brooke ( you've meet above);
and together we are Laa'BooSLDoD. Funny little name but so many are
already out there.
it is all really as simple as my sister said above.
live in the US of A and I'm over here in England now.
We keep in touch through Second Life, we shop and dance and well hell if ya got a brain and can use it we'll even talk to ya.
We keep in touch through Second Life, we shop and dance and well hell if ya got a brain and can use it we'll even talk to ya.
just to girls with an addiction to shopping and lucky boards. And we
just wanted a place to share. We do not have sponsors, No one has
asked us to do this, we just want to have a little fun.
that want every girl wants.
when I say, “I don't really do fashion “, & yet I live in
England let me clear that up just a little.
not that I don't do fashion. It's that I can't afford fashion.
I make up my own. Both in and out of SL.
a thrifty little bargain hunter and will rock anything 2nd
hand/vintage RL. SO you can bet it follows me throughout SL. I will
find a hunt anywhere, stand around at your lucky boards, camp in a
chair and slap as many midnight-mania boards as I can in a day.
I have some of the sexiest shoes to prove it =P
my sister I spend most of my SL hours at the AEG venues. However I'm
8 hours ahead of SL time so when its 8:00 in the morning here for me
in England and I'm waking up to log in that means its 3:00 a.m SL.
don't really have a favorite store to shop in world or even camp or
slap boards at because (though I do own an awful lot of ADN both
MM/lucky chairs and a lot of purchases with hard earned $Ls, That's right I work for my $Ls, but I also pay a rent in world so I love a bargain where i can find one ) . I
honestly do a ton of my shopping on the Marketplace and SL frees & offers group & through the
third life group and Maitreya gifts group.
everything I wear or I would post about will me a mix of shops,
creators, and even some mixes of things friends have made just
because they can even though they don't have shops.
quiet but quirky I might be in the same venue as you and never say a
word in local but if ya get in my box and can actually get me to talk
and I like ya . You'll probaly find ya can't shut me up and if ya did
manage to either I went afk because real life interrupted me again , I'm
shopping the MP and forgot to tell you i'm addicted to it or ya
really pissed me off.. Guess ya have to stay tuned here or keep up
with me in world to find out which.. so until next time
out Bitches
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