No Mesh Body November- the one hour challenge

The Hardest Challenge in Second life.
Are you brave enough?

What do you mean No Mesh body!!
Are you crazy!!

Well I might be , but I have heard that from my SL family a few times this week "Are you crazy, She's lost her damn mind" they would say as I mentioned to them I was thinking up this challenge.
But I think we all need a little crazy now and then. 

I also think it's great to remember where we came from and what we are now so very lucky to have. 

SO what is it and how did it come about. Well it's simple.. Well should be but really isn't. Why isn't it so simple, because so many of us may have been so proud of our Mesh beauty that we already deleted our standard classic avatar items. 

Me I plan for a SL apocalypse and saved a folder of skin, shape, hair, and outfits that are all ready for SL to stop loading and take us back to the classic days. So yeah I probably am just a little on the crazy side. But it's part of why all of you my SL friends and Family love me. Haha <3

SO how did I come up with this little challenge and what exactly is it. 
Little background..
I am a mum of 3.  2 boys and 1 lovely daughter who is in college here in the UK. And she sees all these girls daily who do them selves all up like they are going to the clubs or off to some great date when all they are doing is sitting around in classes all day.
Thing is she has seen this kind of thing since she was in 2nd school. from about age 12, her 7th grade year. And she has never been one to join in all the 'ohh girlie' things. and she has wonderful skin and an amazing confidence in her own look, without all the fancy stuff.

So she says to me the other day, I hear them talking I chat with my friends and they don't know who they are and they complain all the time about bad skin. 
And she's right the make up does cause skin issues, But most girls also Hide under the make up because it gives them more confidence. 
I know because with out my war pain on I won't leave the house. haha. 
I'm sure to be 10xs happier and more confident when I've put my face on. 

SOoo I thought to myself. How about challenging yourself in the RL world with no make up and In Second life to take a day, an hour even and remember who you were before the beauty of Mesh. 
And so a challenge was born. 

It's simple enough. Most of the outfit folders we all get still come with an alpha and a classic body size included. Most of the make up packs we get still come with a tattoo layer to add. And Please don't tell me you don't still have that one hair you just held on to or tucked away at the back of your weave and wig drawer. Hell don't worry to much, your new mesh hair will still fit your classic avatar look. 

So whats the challenge and the rules
Take it all off!! 
That's right rule    1) Take it all off and go system.
women and men are and should brave this challenge. 
2) then take a photo screen shot. show yourself and your current outfit- 
show that you are only wearing system skin, & shape. 
You can still wear that alpha layer mesh shirts/shoes & pants.
3) crop your photo so we don't see your screen info, just your folder and you
4) Post your photo here in comments or on the comments section on the facebook link below. 
5) Share the post and this blog.
Thats it. You don't have to leave your house, you don't have to go around in world for a day with no mesh. You simply have to take an hour or less, to get system, and take a photo and post it. then you can go back to your new beautiful mesh selves.

This is all to remember who we are under all that mesh and where we came from and how lucky we are to have come so far in Second life. Have a little laugh, feel a little nostalgia 
Rebuild your confidence in yourself and your avatar for a moment and remember who you were then and who you are now and How great it is to remember where you came from. 

So that's it. Thanks much to all of you who are brave enough to face this challenge and to post your images and to share this. And do share this. Lets get this challenge going SL viral. 

Facebook post should go to January Snowpaw- Challenge


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