A winters Carol as seen on BewitchingEnsembles

Winter's Carol

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Ghost of winters Past
Outfit: Pieced together to create “ Ghost Winter Past”
Wearing: !CD! Cellar Door Nym Snow– maitreya
Shoes: :MoonAmore: Opera Romance Boots pure
Head: Catwa Catya- bento
Body: Maitreya Lara
Hair: :::Phoenix::: Kendall
eye: SlackGirl's Eyeliner For U (10L) catwa head
Lips: catya hud cream/nude
Necklace: .:: Supernatural::. Romance #1 gold
Nails:#Empire- Coffin Nails – Long
Polish: Nailed it- all in one- KittyCatS Advent Calendar set
Rings: ** RE ** Luxy Rings- Left
meva Flower Rings gold-right

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Ghost of Winters Now
Head: Catwa Catya-bento
Body: Maitreya Lara
Outfit: Pieced together to create look Ghost: Christmas Present
Wearing: Mrs. Santas Mistletoe top and bottoms with resizer-
creator and store unknown properties show I (Acquired in 2010)
Hair: Sintiklia- Franceis Bento fitted
eye: SlackGirl's Eyeliner For U catwa head
Lips: Hijinx <3 Double take lipstick
Shoes: :MoonAmore: Opera Romance Boots rouge
-Lamu Fashion- Christmas hat (MP)
Necklace: Doe: Merry Lights Blinking (acarde gifts)
Bracelets: Perch CutieDoll wrist cuffs
Rings: Belle Eqoque {Enya Rings} Bento gold -Left
Meva Bento Boho Rings gold- Right
Mouth candy cane: candy cane giver Sl Christmas sim
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Ghost of Winters Future
Head: Catwa Catya-bento
Body: Maitreya Lara
Outfit: Pieced together to create look “Ghost Winter future”
!CD! Cellar Door Midnight Trapt Maitreya fit Body suit
[MymY] Wrap Boa
Hair: [KoKoLoReS] Kali
eye: SlackGirl's Eyeliner For U (10L) catwa head
Lips: Quirky- I'm Ok I promise- The Nightmare event Hunt
Shoes: :MoonAmore: Opera Romance Boots Nori
Accessories: :MoonAmore: Opera Romance Masquerade mask Nori
Earrings: Belle Epoque {Extraordinaire}
Necklace: *PH *(pink hustler) Knit Chocker
Bracelets: - SECRETS- Anais Bracelets- Full Set gold
Rings: Belle Eqoque {Enya Rings} Bento gold -Left
Meva Bento Boho Rings gold- Right


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